A retired teacher visiting San Diego from Illinois died over the weekend after falling out of a pedicab at the 100 block of Harbor in San Diego’s Marina District. Sixty-year-old Sharon Miller was participating the National Education Conference when she and another participant decided to take a pedicab ride on Saturday. At about 11:30 a.m.…
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A Temecula boy who fell from a play structure at a local Burger King restaurant was awarded a $20 million settlement. Jacob Buckett, now 12, suffered a traumatic brain injury when he fell at a location in the play structure where there was no cushioned flooring. According to reports, the boy suffered damage to his…
Continue reading ›A patient with a serious head injury can appear “deceivingly normal at first,” according to Dr. Carmelo Graffagnino of Duke University. Even though the injury may appear minor, and not particularly painful, over-time it can develop into a serious and irreversible injury. That may be what is happening to actress Natasha Richardson, who is reportedly…
Continue reading ›A wrongful death lawsuit was filed yesterday for the death of a 14-year-old girl who died after she ruptured her spleen while perform a cheerleading stunt. Studies have found that over 16,000 cheerleaders are injured every year, and cheerleading accounted for half of all “catastrophic” injuries suffered by female high school athletes over the last…
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