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Peanut Butter Possible Source of Salmonella Outbreak
The potential source of the salmonella outbreak that has sickened individuals in at least 42 states has been identified as King Nut peanut butter. Health officials in Minnesota said salmonella bacteria were found in a tub of peanut butter that was distributed to schools and hospitals.
King Nut, based in Ohio, has issued a voluntary recall of all brands of peanut butter distributed under its label, which is not sold directly to consumers but primarily to food service accounts. To date, 399 Americans have been sickened by a strain of bacteria known as Salmonella Typhimurium, which is often found in uncooked eggs and meat.

Symptoms caused by salmonella are usually diarrhea, abdominal pain, and a fever, beginning 12 to 72 hours after contact with the bacterial. Severe cases can arise in people with weakened immune symptoms, as well as children and the elderly. That’s what’s particularly concerning about this outbreak; that the source may be associated with a peanut butter that was distributed to hospitals and schools.
Individuals who suspect a salmonella case may be attributed to peanut butter or other food product, call the attorneys at Walton Law Firm LLP for a free consultation about whether there may be any legal remedies available.
UPDATE (1/15): Kellogg has instructed stores to stop selling its Keebler and Austin brand crackers after health officials reported two more deaths in the salmonella outbreak linked to peanut butter. Kellogg has said it is removing the crackers as a precautionary measure when it learned that one if its suppliers Peanut Corp. of America was recalling all of its peanut butter made at a Georgia plant. It is being reported that the outbreak has now sickened at least 430 people nationwide in 43 states, with at least 55 reported cases in California.
UPDATE II (1/27): The NY Times is reporting that the Georgia plant suspected as the source of the national Salmonella outbreak had a history of sanitation lapses and other cleanliness violations. The plant is owned by the Peanut Corporation of America has been shut down. To read more click here.
Attorneys Randy Walton and Scott Barber represent individuals who have been impacted by accidents, defective products, food poisoning, spinal and brain injuries, construction accidents, dog bites, and other cases involving negligence.