Car Accidents Caused By Texting

Traffic crashes occur in various spots in Encinitas and throughout Southern California more broadly: at intersections, on neighborhood streets, on highways, and even in parking lots. While the area in which a car accident occurs can sometimes point to potential causal factors, there is one common cause for all of these kinds of accidents, which is texting while driving. Although all drivers should now be absolutely certain about the serious risks associated with texting behind the wheel, motorists continue to do it anyway, and in so doing, to cause accidents and injuries. What are some of the key things you should know about car accidents caused by texting while driving? Consider the following information.

Texting While Driving is Unlawful and Negligent

First, you should know that any driver who causes a collision by texting while driving has broken the law by texting while driving and has behaved in a negligent manner for which they can be liable in a civil lawsuit. Under California law, texting while driving is unlawful, and it is a primary violation for which a motorist can be stopped and fined. Making the decision to text while driving is also negligent for purposes of a civil lawsuit — texting while driving is not what a reasonable person would do and is not what a reasonable person would consider to be reasonably safe under the circumstances.

Texting While Driving is a Form of Distracted Driving

Whether a driver simply looks away from the road for a few seconds to read a text or takes their hands and eyes off the road for many seconds to compose a text message, texting while driving is a form of distracted driving. Even taking your eyes off the road for a second or two can result in a devastating crash.

Gathering Evidence for Texting While Driving May Be Easier Than You Think

While some forms of distracted driving may be more difficult to prove than others, it might actually be easier than you think to gather clear evidence that another motorist was texting while driving in the moments before the crash in which you were injured. Cell phone data, as well as witness statements, can be extremely useful.

Texting While Driving is a Leading Cause of Crashes in California

Anyone who was injured in a crash caused by a driver who was texting or talking on a handheld phone while driving should know that they are not alone, and many Californians have been injured in these types of crashes and have sought compensation. According to the California Highway Patrol, using a handheld phone for texting or talking increases the risk of a crash by 400 percent. It is important to hold these drivers accountable in order to obtain compensation for losses and to prevent future collisions.

Contact an Encinitas Car Accident Lawyer Today for Assistance

If you were injured in a car accident caused by a distracted driver, it is important to seek legal help. You may be able to seek compensation by filing an insurance claim or a civil lawsuit against the distracted driver. One of our experienced Encinitas car accident attorneys can speak with you today about your case and your options for moving forward with a claim. Contact the Walton Law Firm for answers to your questions and more information about how we can assist you.


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